How to Appear Offline on Instagram

How to Appear Offline On Instagram DM: Instagram is a popular social networking site that people of all ages use on a regular basis. Instagram allows you to publish videos, text, share stories, communicate, make polls, and more.

People frequently send messages as soon as they discover you are online. It can be beneficial at times since you may be able to engage with an old friend or acquaintance but imagine you are in the middle of something important, and people start bothering you just because you are online. It would be frustrating and overpowering at times.

How to Appear Offline On Instagram DM

What about if we told you could tell folks whether you’re online or not? Yes, it is feasible. Continue reading.

How to change your activity status?

You have the option of turning your activity status on or off. Follow the steps mentioned below to accomplish this. These steps would be applicable for both iOS and Android phones. The menu might look a little different depending on which phone you are using, but the process and the steps would be the same.

1. Open the Instagram account on your smartphone.

2. Go to your profile.

Go to your profile

3. Click the three horizontal lines in the bottom left.

horizontal lines insta

4. Click on the settings option.

privacy and security option

5. Select the privacy and security option.

privacy otpion

6. Now you can see a show activity status, click the untick box.

untick box

7. Toggle the activity status off.

activity status off

If your activity status is on, there would be a green light or a timestamp that would show when you were last active.

Changing the activity status would also have an impact on you knowing when your contacts are online or active on instagram. In simple words, if you don’t want anyone to see your online status, you won’t be able to see others.

How to toggle Activity status on Instagram for Desktop?

The instagram website version is also quite similar to the smartphone versions and Instagram gives an option of changing the online status even on the desktop version. Follow the steps below:

Open instagram on any of the internet browsers. You can choose Google Chrome or Safari.

1. Login using your credentials.

2. Click on the profile image in the upper right hand corner.

3. Select settings.

Select settings

4. Click privacy and security

privacy and security

5. Change the show activity status box off.

privacy and security

6. Once you change the settings, you won’t appear online anymore to your contacts.

right hand corner

Also read: How to Turn Off DM Requests On Instagram 

Method 1: Using Airplane Mode

When it comes to maintaining privacy on Instagram DM, one effective method is to utilize the Airplane Mode feature on your device. By activating Airplane Mode, you can effectively disconnect your device from the internet, giving the impression that you are offline on Instagram. Here’s how you can use Airplane Mode to appear offline on Instagram DM:

  1. Open your device’s settings: Start by accessing the settings menu on your smartphone or tablet. The location of the settings may vary depending on the device and operating system you are using.
  2. Enable Airplane Mode: Look for the option labeled “Airplane Mode” or “Flight Mode” and toggle it on. This action will disconnect your device from Wi-Fi and mobile data networks.
  3. Launch Instagram: Once Airplane Mode is enabled, open the Instagram app on your device. Since you are disconnected from the internet, your status on Instagram will appear offline to others, including your DM contacts.
  4. Access your DMs: You can now navigate to your direct messages and read any existing conversations without the risk of others knowing that you are active. You can also send messages, and they will be delivered once you disable Airplane Mode and reconnect to the internet.
  5. Disable Airplane Mode: When you are ready to resume normal connectivity, return to your device’s settings and toggle off Airplane Mode. Your device will reconnect to the internet, and your online status on Instagram DM will be updated accordingly.

Using Airplane Mode to appear offline on Instagram DM can be a convenient and straightforward method. However, it’s important to note that this method prevents you from using other internet-dependent features simultaneously, such as browsing or using other apps that require an internet connection.

Method 2: Utilizing Third-Party Apps

Another approach to appearing offline on Instagram DM involves utilizing third-party apps specifically designed for this purpose. These apps provide additional privacy features and options that allow you to control your online presence more effectively. Here’s how you can utilize third-party apps to appear offline on Instagram DM:

Research and choose a reputable app:

Start by researching and selecting a reliable third-party app that offers the features you need. Look for apps that have positive user reviews, a good reputation, and a proven track record of security and privacy.

Install the chosen app:

Visit your device’s app store (such as the Google Play Store or Apple App Store) and search for the selected app. Download and install it on your device following the provided instructions.

Grant necessary permissions:

Once the app is installed, launch it, and grant any necessary permissions it requires to function correctly. These permissions may include access to your device’s notifications or enabling the app as an overlay.

Configure your preferences:

After granting the required permissions, navigate to the app’s settings or preferences menu. Look for options related to Instagram or online presence and customize them according to your preferences. Typically, you should find settings that allow you to appear offline on Instagram DM.

Activate offline mode:

Enable the offline mode or similar feature within the app. This action will modify your online status on Instagram, giving the impression that you are offline to other users, including your DM contacts.

Access Instagram DM:

Launch the Instagram app on your device and navigate to the direct messages section. You can now read and respond to messages without others knowing that you are actively using Instagram.

Disable offline mode when desired:

When you wish to revert to your normal online status, simply access the third-party app again and disable the offline mode or similar feature. This will update your status on Instagram DM accordingly.

Method 3: Restricting Specific Users

If you want to maintain your privacy on Instagram DM without appearing completely offline, you can consider restricting specific users. This method allows you to control the interactions and visibility of certain individuals without blocking or unfollowing them. Here’s how you can restrict specific users on Instagram:

Identify the user:

Determine the user or users whom you wish to restrict. This could be someone whose messages you’d like to avoid or limit their access to your profile.

Access the user’s profile:

Open the Instagram app on your device and navigate to the profile of the user you want to restrict. You can do this by searching for their username or finding them through your followers or following list.

Open the options menu:

On the user’s profile, look for the three-dot icon (⋮) usually located at the top right corner of the screen. Tap on it to open the options menu.

Choose “Restrict”:

In the options menu, you’ll find a “Restrict” option. Tap on it to restrict the user. When you restrict someone, they won’t be notified, but they will still be able to send you messages and interact with your content.

Manage restricted interactions:

Once a user is restricted, their comments on your posts will only be visible to them unless you manually approve them. Similarly, their direct messages will be moved to your “Message Requests” section, and you can choose whether to read, delete, or ignore them.

Adjust privacy settings:

To further customize the restrictions, you can access your privacy settings within the Instagram app. Tap on your profile icon, go to “Settings,” and then select “Privacy.” From there, explore options such as “Message Controls” or “Restricted Accounts” to manage the restrictions.


Will turning off the “Show Activity Status” setting make you appear offline on Instagram forever?

The ability to seem offline on Instagram after selecting the “Show Activity Status” setting is only available for a limited time. If you want to appear active or online on Instagram, simply turn on the same toggle.

Will the person I’m conversing with on Instagram know if I’m active or not if I appear offline on the platform?

Because disabling the “Show Activity Status” button disables the “Show When You’re Active Together” option, the other party will have no idea whether you’re active or not. However, doing so will not prevent you from messaging the individual via Instagram’s messenger.

Will I be able to see my contacts’ Instagram statuses if I turn off my “Active” status?

As soon as you change the settings of the active status of your profile, you would not be able to see the activity status of any of your contacts. As a result, you won’t be able to monitor the status of the other accounts.

How will you know whether or not an Instagram user is active or online?

If a specific Instagram user is online, a light green button will show underneath his or her profile image. You’ll also see a timestamp indicating when the person was last active on the instagram platform.


Isn’t it easy to check your activity status on or off on instagram, be you using smartphones or web version. The important point to remember is that once you change your activity status, it would also impact on how you would be able to see others activity status.

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