How to Stop Users from Tagging You on Tiktok

How to Stop Getting Tagged On Tiktok: TikTok has gained immense popularity as a social media app, with users frequently tagging each other in posted videos. However, not everyone appreciates being tagged on TikTok for various reasons. If you also prefer not to be tagged, you can take proactive steps to prevent others from doing so. In this guide, we will demonstrate how to stop being tagged on TikTok.

How to Stop Getting Tagged On Tiktok

One of the best things about TikTok is the addition of new and trendy features on a regular basis which makes it fun for its customers. But when people randomly tag other people, it becomes a problem.

TikTok always gives a notification if someone has tagged a user on their post or video. And unnecessarily tags are becoming a big problem for a lot of people.

Understanding the Impact of Unwanted Tags

Privacy Concerns:

When you are tagged in a TikTok video without your consent, it can compromise your privacy. Unwanted tags expose you to a wider audience, potentially including people you don’t know or trust. This can lead to a loss of control over your personal information and may make you feel uncomfortable or exposed.

Unwanted Attention:

Being tagged in TikTok videos that you don’t want to be associated with can attract unwanted attention from viewers and followers. It may lead to increased scrutiny, comments, or messages that you’d rather avoid. This unwanted attention can cause stress, anxiety, and a negative impact on your mental well-being.

Reputation Management:

Unwanted tags can affect your online reputation. If you are tagged in inappropriate, controversial, or offensive content, it may reflect poorly on you, even if you had no involvement in creating or endorsing the content. Protecting your reputation is crucial, especially in a digital world where content can be easily shared and misconstrued.

Distraction and Loss of Control:

Constantly receiving notifications for unwanted tags can be distracting and disrupt your experience on TikTok. It takes away your control over the content you are associated with and can make it challenging to focus on the content that truly matters to you. It’s essential to regain control over the tags you receive to maintain a positive and enjoyable TikTok experience.

Also read: How to Hide Your Following List On TikTok

Time Management:

Dealing with unwanted tags and their consequences can consume valuable time and energy. You may find yourself spending considerable effort in managing notifications, responding to comments, or rectifying misunderstandings caused by these tags.

By addressing the issue and minimizing unwanted tags, you can better allocate your time and attention to the content that aligns with your interests and goals.

Why are you getting tagged on TikTok?

People use TikTok to make their videos in connection with a famous song or lyrics and post it on their profile tagging others to increase their followers or fame. If your settings has enabled the feature for anyone to tag you in their post, you would likely be receiving a lot of tagged notifications. So, ideally anyone can tag anyone irrespective whether they know you or not.

How to stop getting tagged on TikTok?

Follow these steps on your TikTok to stop people from tagging you in their posts:

  1. Open the TikTok app on your smartphone.
  2. Go to your profile page.
  3. Once there, click on the three lines icon on the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  4. Click on the privacy section.
  5. Scroll down until you see the Mentions and tags option – click on the same.
  6. Now hit the circle next to the No one option in the Who can tag you section.
  7. You have successfully stopped yourself from getting tagged.
getting tagged

How to untag yourself on TikTok videos?

  • After opening tiktok, click on the inbox option at the bottom.
inbox option
  • Click on activities and go to all activity categories.
activity categories
  • Now select the Mentions and Tags option by choosing the arrow next to all activity.
all activity
  • Now, you can click on the video that you wish to untag yourself from.
untag yourself
  • On the video, next to the creator username, there would be a list of people tagged on that particular video.
tagged on that particular video
  • Click on remove tag in case you feel like untagging yourself.
untagging yourself
  • Finally, you’ll see a notification stating that “You just removed yourself from this video” at the top.

Being Mindful of Content and Interactions

Content Awareness:

Being aware of the content you create and share on TikTok can help prevent unwanted tags. Consider the potential implications and how your content may be perceived by others. By creating content that aligns with your values and reflects positively on you, you reduce the chances of being tagged inappropriately.

Selective Tagging:

Before tagging others in your TikTok videos, be mindful of their preferences and boundaries. Avoid tagging someone without their permission or if you are unsure of their comfort level. Respecting others’ choices and privacy is essential in fostering a positive TikTok community.

Communication and Education:

Educate others about your preferences and boundaries when it comes to tagging on TikTok. Have open conversations with your friends, followers, and collaborators, explaining your stance on tags and ensuring they understand your perspective. Encourage them to respect your wishes and refrain from tagging you without permission.

Setting Boundaries:

Take control of your TikTok experience by setting clear boundaries regarding tags. If you don’t want to be tagged in certain types of content or by specific individuals, communicate that clearly. Use TikTok’s privacy settings to manage who can tag you and adjust them according to your preferences.

Monitoring and Moderating:

Regularly monitor your tagged content on TikTok to ensure it aligns with your desired image and values. If you come across unwanted tags, take prompt action to remove yourself from the tagged videos and consider blocking or reporting users who repeatedly tag you without your consent.

Engaging Positively:

Foster positive interactions on TikTok by engaging with content that aligns with your interests and values. By focusing on positive and meaningful interactions, you attract a community that respects your boundaries and is less likely to engage in unwanted tagging.

Educating and Setting Boundaries

Communicate Your Preferences:

Start by communicating your tagging preferences to your friends, followers, and collaborators on TikTok. Let them know how you feel about being tagged in videos without permission and explain your reasons behind it. By expressing your preferences openly and honestly, you create awareness and establish a foundation for mutual understanding.

Create a TikTok Announcement:

Consider creating a TikTok video or story where you politely and clearly state your tagging policy. This way, your message reaches a wider audience, including both existing and new followers. In the video, explain that you prefer to be tagged only when consent is given, and kindly request that others respect your wishes.

Utilize Your Bio or Captions:

Make use of your TikTok bio or captions to mention your tagging preferences. Write a brief statement indicating that you prefer to be tagged only with permission or provide specific instructions on how others can seek your consent before tagging you. This serves as a constant reminder and helps set expectations for anyone visiting your profile or engaging with your content.

Collaborate with Respectful Creators:

When collaborating with other TikTok creators, choose individuals who align with your values and understand and respect your boundaries. Before starting a collaboration, discuss your preferences regarding tagging and ensure that both parties are comfortable with the agreed-upon tagging guidelines.

Adjust Privacy Settings:

Take advantage of TikTok’s privacy settings to control who can tag you in videos. Explore the options available in the app’s settings to customize your privacy preferences. You can limit tagging to only your followers, friends, or specific individuals, providing you with greater control over the content you are associated with.

Monitor and Respond:

Regularly monitor your tagged content and notifications to promptly address any instances of unwanted tagging.

If you come across videos where you’ve been tagged without consent, kindly request the creator to remove the tag or reach out to them privately to discuss the matter. Most TikTok users are understanding and willing to respect your boundaries when approached respectfully.


What is a TikTok?

TikTok is a very popular social media platform where people create videos and post on their timelines for fame and followers.

When was TikTok released?

In most countries on android and ios platform, the app was released in 2017.

How to stop getting tagged on TikTok?

It is a very simple process and you can follow the article above to stop getting tagged at all.

Can I untag myself from one single video?

Yes, untagging from one or more videos is also possible. We have laid the steps above, which can help in untagging yourself.

Who owns TikTok?

TikTok is owned by a Chinese company.


This is the way through which you can stop people from tagging you in their posts and videos on tiktok. This is very helpful in case of random people trying to tag you unnecessarily on their posts and videos.

Because random people are trying to tag others, it is advisable to report this issue with tiktok as well for them to check and make changes at their end. Here is how you can do that:

  1. Click on the three line icon.
  2. Select the settings and privacy option.
  3. Here you can choose – report a problem.

When a lot of users report the same issue, TikTok would have to think about finding a resolution to this problem.

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